The VivAer® Nasal Remodeling Procedure: Could you Benefit?

The VivAer® Nasal Remodeling Procedure could be the answer you’ve been searching for to finally breathe better again. 

VivAer® is an effective, non-invasive treatment for nasal obstruction. 

If you are one of the millions of Americans living with a condition that causes nasal congestion or obstructs your nasal passages in some way, there’s now a breakthrough technology that offers a solution. The VivAer® Nasal Remodeling Procedure offers significant and lasting relief, treating the core causes of nasal airway obstruction. 

Take a closer look at the VivAer® procedure for nasal obstruction, its indications and benefits, and see if may be right for you. 

Understanding Nasal Obstruction

Nasal obstruction refers to poor airflow through the nose. Nasal obstruction is typically caused by nasal tissue swelling or an anatomical blockage that results in nasal cavity narrowing and congested passages. Some of the most common causes for nasal obstruction include nasal septal deviation, enlarged turbinates, and nasal valve collapse. 

Your nasal valve area, located in your nasal passageways, is a triangular-shaped area made up of three main parts: the septum, the lateral wall and the turbinates. 

Any narrowing or weakness of this nasal valve, which is already narrow, can lead to decreased airflow and severe congestion, making it hard to breathe through your nose.

With the VivAer® procedure, your nasal valve area (often the main region involved in nasal blockage) can be opened up during your brief office visit.

The most definitive way of diagnosing nasal obstruction is by an office-based nasal endoscopy. It is used to gather information and to evaluate the anatomy. Growths in the nose or sinus along with nasal septal deflection and turbinate size can be assessed. 

A variety of office-based techniques are now available to address nasal obstruction before proceeding to more aggressive surgeries in the operating room.

The VivAer® procedure can be a beneficial treatment option for some patients with nasal obstruction, depending on the cause, complexity, and other factors. The first step in determining this is diagnosis the cause of your nasal obstruction.

What is The VivAer® Nasal Remodeling Procedure?

The VivAer® is a one-time non-invasive procedure that can be performed in minutes in our office. VivAer® Nasal Airway procedure uses a low-temperature process that gently reshapes tissue of the nasal airway to help you breathe easier right away. Patients typically return to normal activity on the same day.

How it works

The VivAer® treatment uses a device that applies low-temperature radio-frequency energy for contracting and tightening the cartilage and tissue in your nose. It reshapes your nasal valve area, allowing for better airflow. Advanced imaging allows your ENT to see exactly how the blockage is affecting the airflow through your nasal cavity. The technique utilizes a pen-like instrument to precisely target this area with the low-level energy that gently reshapes or remodels the nasal, opening the blockage and allowing normal airflow. 

Many individuals notice an immediate improvement in their nasal breathing after the VivAer® procedure is completed.

Top Advantages of a VivAer® procedure

Non-invasive technology: VivAer® is proven technology that treats your nasal congestion effectively by reshaping the tissues of your nose gently, making easier breathing possible.

Clinically proven results: Studies like the one above show significant improvements (similar to more invasive surgeries) in patients experiencing symptoms of nasal obstruction.

Procedure performed in-office: Your treatment is easy and performed in the doctor’s office using a local anesthetic so you can go home the same day and return to your normal activities immediately.

Additional VivAer® Benefits

Other benefits of the VivAer® treatment include:

  • Minimal discomfort
  • Non-invasive/no-incisions
  • Convenient (performed in doctor’s office)
  • Quick (the entire treatment takes only around 15 minutes)
  • No implants
  • Highly effective
  • Safe
  • No exterior nose changes
  • Little to no restrictions after your treatment
  • Quick recovery time

If you’re struggling to breathe freely through your nose and the effects of nasal obstruction are impacting your quality of life—we can help! 

The Ohio Sinus Institute utilizes the most advanced technologies and effective techniques, bringing decades of expertise to even the most complex cases.  While not everyone is a good candidate for VivAer® procedure, there are many other effect treatments, and we can help you find the best approach to achieve the relief you deserve. 

Contact the Ohio Sinus Institute today to set up a consultation and discus whether a VivAer® Nasal Remodeling Procedure is right for you. We’re happy to discuss the procedure with you and answer any questions. 

Call our office today!